Global Chinese Initiative

Within the vast diaspora Chinese community, despite the establishment of numerous churches and the involvement of many Christians in all kinds of missional works, including the sending of missionaries, there are still many individuals who have not encountered the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Additionally, numerous Christians lack proper shepherding and equipping due to environmental factors. Therefore, the gospel work among the Chinese necessitates significant participation of individuals and the investment of resources. It requires addressing practical needs on various levels to spread the good news of the gospel and provide more people with the opportunity to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ! 

在龐大的華人群體中,雖已有許多教會被建立起來,也有許多基督徒投入宣教相關的工作,甚至差派宣教士,但仍然有許多人尚未被主耶穌基督的福音所得 著,也有許多基督徒因大環境的因素而缺乏被牧養、被造就。因此,華人的福 音工作需要大量的人員參與和資源的投入,並且在各種不同的層面去回應實際 的需要,才能將福音的好消息傳播開來,讓更多人有機會成為主耶穌基督的跟隨者! 

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Ray Peng, Via Global Partner

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Via is a 501(c)(3) organization, registered as Center for Mission Mobilization, EIN 71-0861654. All gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. As required by law, gifts are solicited with the understanding that Via has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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Via is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and is committed to abiding by ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™.


Via is led by an independent Board of Directors. While Via is not required by the IRS to file a 990, as it has received 'church status' by the IRS, out of a desire for full financial accountability, we are audited annually by Capin Crouse. Please click here to request our latest financial statements.

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